Integration services

Client Nathan T volunteers at Job Carr Museum

Community Inclusion

Community Inclusion services are individualized services provided in typical integrated community settings for individuals that meet eligibility requirements.


  •  promote the person’s competence, integration, physical or mental abilities.

  • assist individuals to participate in activities, events and organizations in the community in ways similar to others of similar age.

  • may be available for working-age individuals.

  • are designed to provide support that allows individuals to explore and participate in a wide variety of community activities such as leisure, recreation, volunteer and educational interests.

By becoming involved in the community, people with and without disabilities can learn about themselves and others, provide support and friendship, and build a network of community contacts while enjoying social events and learning about the world around them. 

Meet our clients


Robbie has been a Centerforce client for many years. He really loves to go to the bowling alley, go for walks in the park and attend Centerforce’s inclusive parties and activities pre-COVID.



Marcus has been a Centerforce client for many years. He enjoys participating in Centerforce’s inclusive activities of game boards while working with his Centerforce enrichment case manager. He is looking forward to returning to work as a volunteer at St. Vincent De Paul thrift store as soon as allowed to after the pandemic ends.

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Paulette has been a Centerforce client for many years. She enjoys participating in Centerforce’s inclusive activities of crafting and games — which she has been doing solo during the pandemic.